Why Choose Us?
- Personalized Work
- Fully Licensed & Insured
- Confidentiality 100% Guaranteed
- Secured Files
- 24 Years Of Experience
Charlotte North Carolina Private Investigator
Experienced Charlotte, North Carolina Private Investigators are ready and available to assist and serve attorneys, private citizens, and businesses. We gather information about legal, financial, and personal matters through specific searches for Private Investigation Services in Charlotte, North Carolina and across the entire state of North Carolina.
Private Eyes Inc. Founded in 1999 by Prior Law Enforcement & Military Veteran Gary Pastor.
Our Licensed Private Detectives & Private Investigators are available to get started on your case now with private investigation teams on standby in Charlotte, North Carolina, the state of North Carolina, and many other states. FREE Consultation 866-774-3937 (PRI-EYES) All Calls are Confidential.
(Issued by NCPPSB and NCDPS) NC Private Investigator License #2664. Reciprocal with California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia Private Investigator Services in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Former Law Enforcement, Special Training & Military Veterans serving the entire state of North Carolina for Private Investigation Services.
Our investigators have a consistent proven track record, exceeding expectations for delivering results in a discrete and confidential manner.
Our dedicated team of licensed and experienced, professional Charlotte North Carolina private investigators work in many places, to provide Charlotte North Carolina private investigation services to attorneys, private citizens and businesses depending on your needs, case, or the assignment. Our private investigation services may include but are not limited to office work, researching cases on computers, while others are spent with more time in the field, conducting interviews or stakeouts for surveillance. You can go to our Services page by clicking HERE and review the many different Charlotte North Carolina Private Investigation Services we provide.
Every case is different, all are confidential and sensitive. We have the experience to meet your specific needs.
Our team has the resources, state of the art technology equipment and expertise to provide you with a successful case.
- Child Custody Surveillance (Photo & Video)
- Cheating Spouse Investigations (Photo & Video)
- Co-Habitation Surveillance (Photo & Video)
- Hidden Asset Search
- Due Diligence Investigations
- Pre-Employment Background Checks
- Missing Person Investigations
- Run-away Search and Locate
- Insurance Fraud Investigations
- Financial Investigations
- BUG Sweeps
Don’t trust just anyone, hire a team of experts with decades of experience, and a proven track record of success! Contact an Expert Today 866-774-3937 (PRI-EYES) for a Discreet FREE & Confidential Consultation.
Investigators in Charlotte, Raleigh, Greenville, Fayetteville, Durham, Greensboro, and the entire state of North Carolina.