Surveillance Methods in Charlotte

When it comes to surveillance, don’t assume it begins and ends with stationary cameras and sensors. In fact, that’s how many individuals and businesses choose to protect their properties. However, the world of surveillance extends much further, including covert operations and investigations. In this post, we’ll explore the different types of surveillance, from electronic surveillance […]


By LaSorsa & Associates: As an innovative and value-driven training provider, we strive to be on the forefront of the industry in technique and in true benefit to our students. As such, beginning in our October 20-28 9 day comprehensive Executive Protection Training Program, LaSorsa & Associates will be teaming up with Vehicle Dynamics Institute […]


Many of us for better or worse, live or die by our skill level to effectively operate the features of our smartphones. Having grown up in the 60’s and 70’s when the concept of something like a smartphone was truly science fiction, I still marvel at the things that can be done with the small […]

Executive Protection Success Hinges On Investigative Talents

Excellent read focusing on the importance of having a robust Protective Intelligence program that conducts thorough and continual threat assessments. “It is the job of that team to ensure the physical safety of the principal and also the principal’s and his or her organization’s reputations.” The North Carolina Protection Group does just that. We work […]

5 Things To Do If Your Child is Missing

A parent’s worst nightmare is realizing their child is missing. In the event that you experience this unfortunate fate, here are five things you should do once you notice your child is missing. Call The Police Many people falsely believe that you have to wait 24 hours before contacting law enforcement after a child goes […]

What are Bug Sweeps in North Carolina

Many offices that were left unmanned during Covid-19 have been bugged and had hidden cameras installed, many times by management or those you trusted with access to your office building! Is someone watching you and your family in your home from their cell phone? When you hear the word “bug,” spy movies may immediately come […]

What does a Private Investigator do?

What does a Private Investigator do? A private detective and investigator searches for clues to gather evidence for court cases or private clients. They interview people, verify information, conduct surveillance, find missing persons, and gather vital facts for cases. Depending on their area of expertise, they might be hired to investigate computer crimes or corporate […]

Find Missing Persons in North Carolina

Runaways may go missing because they have been lured into Human Trafficking. Trucking and Human Trafficking Human trafficking, or the use of force, fraud, or coercion for some type of sex or labor, is a $150 billion industry that often goes undetected. Unfortunately, truck stops remain a frequent location of trafficking crimes. While truck stops are not […]

How to Hire a Private Investigator

There are many reasons why you might want to hire a private investigator. You may wish to obtain extra security, find a missing person, or screen a potential employee. Regardless of your reason for hiring a private investigator, you want to be careful in how you go about finding and choosing one. You will be investing […]

How to Win Child Custody

Best Interest Standard for Child Custody In most states, the court can consider any factor in a custody case, and then based on the weight of all of the evidence presented, the judge will determine the custody arrangement that is in the best interest of the minor child or children. The best interest of the […]

Survelliance in Charlotte North Carolina

Many people have security systems that protect their homes and businesses, meaning that they are aware of some form of overt and mechanical surveillance. However, there are several types of surveillance that go beyond stationary cameras and alarm sensors. The practice of surveilling is only in part video and security, and it extends into the arena of […]

Private Investigator Charlotte, NC Cost

If you’re wondering how much private investigators cost, it depends on the scope of the job and the credentials of the detective. If you hired a landscaper, their price would vary greatly depending on whether you wanted your hedges trimmed, trees planted, or weekly lawn mowing. Private investigators can crack a case in under an […]