Background checks and pre-employment screening service is a total, comprehensive search designed to make sure you know who’s working for you. Our data sources contain billions of records, which are updated daily. Don’t count on a Google search, which might miss important information about a person’s background. Running background checks is a process a person or company uses to verify that an individual is who they claim to be, and this provides an opportunity to check and confirm the validity of someone’s criminal record, education, employment history, and other activities from their past. Speak with an expert: 866-PRI-EYES (774-3937)
Performing a background check on a potential employee can reveal important information about that person so you can make the best hiring decision for your business. Background check companies use online technology and in-person searches to discover the details of someone’s past, including if they have any felony convictions, misdemeanors, etc. The results of these checks are then compiled into easy-to-read reports.
Many background check companies offer preset packages, or bundled plans, so you can conduct multiple types of searches in one plan and at one price. Many services will let you add on additional screenings; however, some offer strictly a la carte options.
Run your own check from the comfort of your home or office with our portal: Start your background check now- click here
Contact a Specialist Now for a Confidential No Cost Consultation. Corporate Office: 866-PRI-EYES (774-3937)
Private Eyes Inc. proudly serves private citizens, attorneys and businesses Statewide across North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, and many other states. NC Private Investigator License #2664. Reciprocal with California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia (Issued by NCPPSB and NCDPS).
- Armed Registration for Private Investigator. Issued by NC PPSB and NCDPS
- NC Concealed Weapons Permit for over 30 years
- American Red Cross First Aid, CPR, AED, and Auto Injector
- US Passport
- NC Notary Public
- Member of USCCA – United States Concealed Carry Association
- SCALI – South Carolina Association of Legal Investigators
- COAL – Coalition of Association Leaders
- ASIS – Member of American Society for Industrial Security
- USCCA – Member of United States Concealed Carry Association
- DAV – Member of the Disabled American Veterans